

Race 2 start - wind was really honkomg!

Today brought some pretty hefty West winds 16-20 in the first race and 18-20 in the second race with some even heftier gusts and lots of chop on Sandusky Bay,  Of the 68 boats officially racing, 17 stayed on land and did not venture out for the qualifiers.  A few more came back in once they got out of the protected harbor and even more came in as they approached the race course.  44 hearty skippers and crew finished Race 1 and 30 finished race...

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Despite all efforts by Jim Tichenor and the RC to wait for the wind to lie down, it just never happened, so Women and Junior NACs were not held.  On a better note, the Flying Scot Foundation brought us Olympic champion sailor Anna Tnnicliffe to present a great talk on her own sailing history.  Her parents taught her to sail, not to necessairily compete, but to be aware of what to do in the event there was an emerrgency of any kind on the water.  Lo and behold, she ended up loving to sail...

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2017NACexec  2017NACreg

Executive Committee hard at work                                      Registration is going very smoothly!

The boats are coming, the boats are comig - over 70 of them for our 60th Anniversary NAC!  The Executive Committee and Board of Governor's meeting are over, registration and measurement continue.  At the moment, a decision is looming about whether there is too much wind...

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            We're 60 years stong! Click on the picture above to see why we all love this boat so much!
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Bruce and Lynn Kitchen proudly hoist the Egyptian Cup!


Twenty-two boats - 9 from Cliton Lake Sailing Association - registered for the 2017 Egyptian Cup Regatta at Careyle Sailing Association. Due to Sunday's forecast for lstorms and heavy winds, PRO Ted Beier held 4 races on Saturday.  Two W-L races were sailed in the morning in 8-12 MPH WSW winds. In the afternoon the winds held steady and there was 1 modified Olympic and 1 W-L course.  After Day 1 the top 5 boats were separated by just 5 points.  


