
The 2021 North American Championships at Cedar Point Yacht Club is on!  And, we have some fun in store for you, along with some fine racing at one of Connecticut’s foremost one-design racing yacht clubs. 

There’s nothing, and I mean nothing, like skipping a year of serious, large fleet, competitive racing to get the Class’s kindred spirits fired up BIG.  Oh yeah, this is happening.  Don’t ask twice.  It (the 2021 North American Championships) is happening!  Junior sailors, that means you, too.  Tell Mom; tell Dad, “We gotta go!  Book the rooms, grease the wheel bearings and get the...

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Flying Scot Sailors, let's go cruising!

Whether you're a Scot sailor who loves to sail but not race, or a racer who would like to have a great time sailing leisurely on some northern US lakes. we are offering two different choices for cruising events in 2021. One is in the beautiful blue water lakes of Northern Michigan and the other is on beautiful Lake Champlaon in Vermont. Our New Cruising committee has worked diligently to plan these events and we know that many of you have been looking for these kinds of neat sailing opportunities, We hope to be offering more...

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Lake Norman Yacht Club is hosting the Great 48 on May 1-2. 2021. Lake Norman is a great venie for sailing and for fun!  All registration will be handled via Regatta Network. Please note there will be NO onsite registration for this event.For details, click here

.Hope to see many of you there! 

The 2021 Florida Space Coast Regatta went out with a howl .. howling wind, but great sailing and a good time was had by all. Congratualions to Tom McNally & Andy Hayward for the Regatta victory over Jeff Linton & Bill Bruss with a triple tie-breaker !!. Teams travelled in from Illinois, North Carolina and Tennesee, along with the Florida 'regulars' and a new Scot team sailing #6205. The Florida District Series wraps up in Key Largo on May 15-16; where once again, a great time is assured with a great club, beautiful water and cold rum drinks. The Florida District continues to offer...

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Who's going to the Women's North American Championship at Deep Creek Lake in Maryland this year on June 26-27th  Let's make this an event to remember!  Get your team together and start makeing your plans now. Visit the event page at https://fssa.com/content/2021-womens-nac-both-d?eep-creek-yacht-clubs-swanton-md for registration and other information.  And, to make this a successful event, we need your help in getting the word out. Please share the link wit others and ask them to share as well. Hope you can make...

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