Great regatta with a growing Scot presence. Hard to beat Colorado in August!! Registeation is open. More information here

Beaufort Yacht Club in South Carolina is looking to increase its visibility to the Flying Scot class and they would love to form a fleet. Their multi-class Low County Regatta on June 21-23, 2024, is a great place to get some Flying Scots on the line. It wojuld be great to gete a few more Beaufort members in Flying Scots so they can truly start a fleet and hopefully grow! Read all about it, including registration information here.

I imagine this has happened before, but we had different couples win every race this year. With 30 boats registered for the 2024 Great 48, we felt pretty lucky by the end of the regatta. Saturday's forecast was spot on with thunderstorms, lightning, rain, and not much breeze so we didn't get any racing in. It was a great opportunity to hang out and socialize with our Flying Scot family. The regatta orgainizers fed the group well the whole weekend, and the taps were flowing with 3 different flavors of beer.

On Sunday the forecast was again for rain, but we got lucky and didn't see...

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From Facebook

Jennifer Ikeda sharing her knowledge of the #flyingscot with 10 sailors.  It was too windy to sail but we still had fun and learned a lot.  Thanks Jenn.  Flying Scot Sarasota Fleet 36

We want you to know that your Executive Committee is listening! Based on the success of the 2024 Midwinters at Lake Eustis and the survey results after the regatta, a formal Action Item has been raised to have options for the length of the regatta. The current rules state that this is to be a 4-day event with 2 races per day..The changes, if approved, will include an option for a three-day regatta. 

  • If the club opts for a 3-day event. there would be 3 races per day with an option to do 4 races with the approval of the Class representative
  • If the club opts for a 4-day...
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