Championship winners Tyler and Carrie Andrews and Challenger winners Henry Picco and Jeff Bott. Thanks so much to Lake Eustis Sailing Club for a great event! Full results with crew names are at Photos courtesy of John Cole;   Friday photos   ...

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We had 2 races today in the rain and great wind. Watch for results here;

We are under postponement on shore at Lake Eustis - first until 11 AM, now unti 1PM. Hoping for a little more wind. tried again at 2pm but no luck. No racing today, but we'll have a nice dinner tonight and try again in the morning.

We are under postponement on shore  at Lake Eustis - first until 11 AM, now unti 1PM. Hoping for a little more wind.

Boats are arriving and Dory is inspecting at Lake Eustis fSailing Club or the 2024 Midwotners and the 54th Annual George Washington Birthday Regatta - 81 boats registered! LESC has done a great job of getting us organized and making sure everyone has a spot for their boat, their car, their tent and/or their campters! David Ames presented a great talk on how to keep the boat moving and how to handle the large fleets we will have. As boats arrive, the LESC team, is checking people in, helping them get settled and figuring out which boats will be on moorings and which boats will be on land....

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