New England

New England

The New England District is in the Northeast region and encompasses Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Rhode Island.

Our active fleets are in Rockport MA, Duxbury Bay, MA, Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield MA, Cape Cod in Harwichport, MA, and Lake Massapoag in Sharon MA, Lake Massabesic in Manchester, New Hampshire, Spofford Lake in Spofford, NH, trying to make a go of it and our newest fleet at Pleasant Bay Community Boating in Chatham, MA.

Our District Governor is Dennis Dobe  from Fleet 196, at Massabesic Lake in NH, as also sails out of Rockport, MA. the New England District is the home to FSSA Chief Measurer Roger Sharp, FSSA Web Editor Diane Kampf and Scots n; Water Editor Tim Mallette

The New England District has a Facebook group here.

Follow Massapoag Yacht Club's Fleet 76 on Facebook here.

By now, most of you know that Jeff and Amy Smith Linton won the Championship Division and Frank and Marianne Gerry won the Challenger Division at the 2012 NAC, Melanie Dunham and Carrie Carpenter won the Women's NAC and Greiner and Robert Hobbs won the Junior NAC.  I thought you might be interested in the winners of some FSSA special awards: Joan Burnside Trophy This is given to the winner of the Women's NAC - Melanie Dunham and Carrie Carpenter, Cedar Point Yacht Club... Read More
29-Jun-2012We left this morning from Lake Carlyle where it was 92° at 8am and we knew we were extremely grateful that the RC got us off the water yesterday.  We watched the temperature go up to 109° at one point and then we saw the weather coming.  The temperature dropped 30°, the winds were reported as high as 80 knots and the camper was being blown around a bit along with the trailer.  We took shelter at a comfort food stop where we gorged on shakes and cheese fries!  Glad... Read More
28-Jun-2012 Results We started the day with a little wind and 90° and we went out at 9am and started the first race.  Before the windward mark, the wind was gone and we waited a while, but no luck.  So we retreated to shore for an early lunch.  We were back out by  1pm with the temperature at 100° but with 10 knot winds we were able to start the race.  We got in 2 great races (despite our own personal results).  The PRO Ted Beier and... Read More
27-Jun-2012 Results Wow!  Another gorgeous day in the 90's but with good wind.  We raced 3 today so we can try to finish early since it will be 100°+ the rest of the week.  We had 10-14 the first 2 races, then 8-10 after lunch for the 3rd race.   Rod Stieffel and Randy Santa Cruz are leading the Championship after taking 2 bullets out of 3 races so far.  Frank and Marianne Gerry did the same in the Challenger Division and are leading that series.   We ... Read More
26-Jun-2012We started this beautiful sunny 85° day with 25+ knot winds are were told it could build from there.   Skippers and crews were discussing whether they would venture out in these conditions, including us.  While several decided not to go, Greg and I decided to go out and come back in if it was too much for us.  We have still not used our band new sails because we don't want to blow them out the first time we use them.  When we got in the water... Read More
