New England

New England

The New England District is in the Northeast region and encompasses Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Rhode Island.

Our active fleets are in Rockport MA, Duxbury Bay, MA, Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield MA, Cape Cod in Harwichport, MA, and Lake Massapoag in Sharon MA, Lake Massabesic in Manchester, New Hampshire, Spofford Lake in Spofford, NH, trying to make a go of it and our newest fleet at Pleasant Bay Community Boating in Chatham, MA.

Our District Governor is Dennis Dobe  from Fleet 196, at Massabesic Lake in NH, as also sails out of Rockport, MA. the New England District is the home to FSSA Chief Measurer Roger Sharp, FSSA Web Editor Diane Kampf and Scots n; Water Editor Tim Mallette

The New England District has a Facebook group here.

Follow Massapoag Yacht Club's Fleet 76 on Facebook here.

25-JUN-2012 - Click Here for Results North American Championships Qualifiers Race 1 and 2  We raced the first 2 races of the qualifying series today with the the wind "honking" at 15-17 knot, sometimes approaching 20!  The weather was perfect today, in the 80's and sunny all day.  With 63 boats racing, we were split into the traditional 4 groups, and when the qualifiers ae over, we will have raced against everyone at least once.  The courses are windward-leewards... Read More
Click here for pictures from Day 1 24-June-2012 - Registration and measurement went quite well with the teams working right up until the 1700 deadline!  We had temperatures in the 80's and no wind to start the day.  It got up to the 90's later and we got a little wind in the afternoon along with threatening skies.  PRO Ted Bieir was able to run the Womens and Juniors championships despite the challenges.  Melanie Dunham and Carrie Carpenter won the Womens along with the... Read More
23-JUN-2012 - Greg and I are on our way our to Lake Carlyle, IL, for the 2012 Flying Scot NAC.  Jim Harris and heis crew at Carlyle Sailing Association have been preparing for quite a while for this event,   They have hosted the NAC before and we are sure they will be ready for us this time. Despite some REALLY warm weather predicted for this week, we are hoping the wind will cooperate and let su get in all the racing we are looking forward to. Read More
As I finish up my first year as your President, I am pleased with our class and how we are doing, but I am a bit concerned about keeping our fleets going as well as growing.  Some fleets are continuing to thrive and grow while others are dropping off.   Our membership is down a bit this year, and I am hoping we can bring the level back up to previous years’ levels.  I have tried to reach out to many of you myself, but there are things we can all do to help with fleet... Read More
From the President Diane Kampf, FS 5857 Dear fellow sailors,   By the time you read this, we should be back from another great Midwinter regatta in New Orleans and thinking about sailing at our own club this year.  At Massapoag Yacht Club in Sharon, MA, home of Fleet 76, we have several regattas and social events, sailing lessons co-sponsored by the Town and our Club, Race Training, a Junior Sailing program, some fun races, moonlight sails and various club social events.  I am... Read More
