Scots n Water

If you have an article to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! You can submit your entries to The deadlines for submissions to the magazine are:

January 15
April 1
June 1
August 15
November 1

Posted: 08/27/2018

Crash Boats Essential Planning your Start Reefing the Flying Scot

Posted: 08/27/2018

Trimming the Spinnaker Two Years Into the Arctic

Posted: 08/27/2018

1983 North American Championships On the Road Again Wemindji to the Arctic Proper

Posted: 01/13/2022
  • Sandy Sez: Raising The Scot Mast
  • An Epic Scot Journey Continues
  • Troubleshooting Spinnaker Work
Posted: 01/13/2022
  • Selecting A Regular Crew
  • An Epic Scot Journey Begins
  • Safety
  • A Primer of Procedure and Tatics for Matrimonial Class Association
  • Champs, Too, Have it Tough, Sometimes.
