Scots n Water

If you have an article to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! You can submit your entries to The deadlines for submissions to the magazine are:

January 15
April 1
June 1
August 15
November 1

Posted: 05/09/2022

Fleet 48 Takes Honors
Two Tales of Scot #0
1984 Annual Meeting
Eagan Wins Mallory Cup

Posted: 05/09/2022

In Praise of Serendipitous Sailing
N.A.C. Race Analysis
Greg Fisher and John Riddle Win 1984 North American Championship

Posted: 05/09/2022

1984 NAC Results
'In Harmanee" With All
Fundamentally Speaking
Understanding the Rules
Come Sail The Grenadines

Posted: 05/09/2022

How to:
Recover from a Bad Start
Learn the Rules

Posted: 05/09/2022

North Americans
