
To learn more, watch our full presentation:on YouTube.

We would love it if you joined us in becoming a member of the Flying Scot Sailing Association. There are so many reasons to be a part of this great organization. We belong to one of the most successful one design sailing organizations in the United States. We are a vibrant organization with over 1,000 boat memberships. Over 6,100 Flying Scots have been manufactured since 1957. New Flying Scots are being built and serviced every year by Flying...

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From the Ephraim Yacht Club Facebook Page: - full results here.

Yes, there will always be an Ephraim Regatta! Congratulations to the stellar group of skippers and crew! Thank you to PRO David Morof for running 3 excellent races! Many thanks also to the staff, Tommy Papenthien, Spencer Olson and Henry Morof. Also big thank you to all the hardworking volunteers; Fred Lewis, Bjorn Hooper, Carol Claypool, Nancy Claypool, and our Commodore, Laura O'Rourke. Also a huge thank you to Woody...

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Our Flying Scot® class has now been added to the US Sailing One Design Central page 


Lots of good information can be found on the page about One Design sailing and racing and you can see our posting under Class Finder.

Yes, there are still some regattas being held is 2020. It takwes some adjustnets and some of the social events have to be anclled/scaled back, but we're sailing and racing and having fun!

The Greater New York Distrc its were co-hosted Avalon Yacht Club and Yacht Club at Stone Harbor in New Jersey. There were 21 boats and some great competition,. Congratulations to Dan Walsh for an excellent win. Pctures will be available soon. Full results are here


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Some of you may have experienced PayPal errors when trying to join/renew or make a purchase. We worked with PayPal to get this resolved and it is working again. Thanks for your patience while we rsolved this issue with the PayPal folks and we apologize for the inconvenience.
