Spinnaker foredeck downhaul question
Submitted by fixento on Mon, 01/28/2013 - 16:22
I acquired hull 115 built in 1958 that was solid but her finish was in very bad condition. I refinished her hull and deck, bought new sails and race rigging items to bring her up to date. I have several questions about the foredeck spinnaker pole downhaul ? I have a wooden pole that does not have a center ring or bridle for it to attach to or is it suppose to attach the outboard end of the pole? Should I seize a ring to the center of the pole for attachment? There was a rather large stainless open hook with the spinnaker gear, I assumed it was for the downhaul attachment to the pole, is this correct?
Mon, 01/28/2013 - 19:44
The pole downhaul attaches to the middle of the pole. I have one hook, that is primarily for the topping lift. The downhaul is tied onto the ring for that same hook. The way my downhaul works is that it has elastic shock cord under the deck, that runs in a multipart arrangement through some pulleys. It pulls down just hard enough to keep the pole from rising. The downhaul has a knot that keeps the pole from going too high. If you have the guy under a hook near the chainplate, it willnever go that high, but the knot keeps it under control if it isn't under either hook.
Mon, 01/28/2013 - 19:51
Wood pole
You could still use the wooden spinnaker pole. The downhaul line should connect to the topping lift. Thus avoid the need to add anything to the pole. Then take the stainless steel hook and use it on the topping lift. When you put your pole up, the one end is for the sheet/guy and the other for the eye on the mast, be sure to attach the topping lift to the center ring before you attach the pole to the eye on the mast. If it were not winter, I shoot a photo for you.