The 110th Ephraim Regatta, the oldest continuous regatta in the United States, was held over the weekend of Friday, July 31 – Sunday, August 2. There were 27 Flying Scots (including nine juniors) registered for the event. Flying Scot Fleet #44 hosted a pre-regatta, on-and-off-the-water clinic, organized by Fleet Captain Jennifer Ikeda-Faugust with coaches Ryan Malmgren and Larry Taggart on Friday...
Continue Reading...As you may have heard, we raffled off a brand new Flying Scot and the winner was chosen at the NAC at Bay Waveland Yacht Club in Mississippi. We also had some runner up prizes. Congratulations to the lucky winners:
- Flying Scot to be custom built by Harry Carpenter and Flying Scot Inc. – Norm Wainwright, Norm lives in SC but will be sailing the boat at his place on Owasco Lake in the Finger Lakes region of NY. His family is thrilled to be a part of the Flying Scot family, ...
Each year at the NAC, special awards are given in several categories to the participants as well as the prestigious Fleet of the Year Award, given to the fleet that has demonstrated most activity and growth in the prior year, Entries for this award are sent in by fleet captains who nominate their fleets. This year's award was given to the Sarasota Sailing Squadron Fleet 36, Fleet Captain Robert Twinem. Other trophy winners are listed in the grid below - congratulations to all the recipients!
...You would never think when you saw the bay in the morning with spotty north winds that the sea breeze would fill in just about starting time at around noon. But, sure enough, here came the south winds from the other side of the bridge to give us the best winds we had all week, 11-13 MPH with no huge shifts or really big gusts. We had a 5-leg W-L for the final race and some of us found that going right was the right way to go. We were all back into the dock around 2:00 PM waiting for the...
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Today the wind came in mostly from the west and the velocity was not as strong as previous days. For Race 1 we had 5-7 MPH and sailed a 4-leg W-L course. Several boats in the Championship Division went left and were not as fortunate as those who went right. Quite a few Challenger Division boats reached the windward mark before the Championship boats that had gone left. The current at the...
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