
The 2021 Women's NAC is a wrap. With 24 boats - can you believe it - on the line it was quite exciting. And on Day 2 we had more wind, 10-12 from the SW, shifting a bit later in the day. The RC got in 3 great races today with places changing several times in both divisions. 

In the end, Greta Mittman and Heidi Gough won the Championship and Tracy Crothers and Jennifer Judkins won the Challenger Division. Both teams are from Dallas.

Jen Meehan did an outstanding job running the event...

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Harry Carpenter and the RC gave us 2 great 5-leg Windward Leeward courses right out in front if Deep Creek Turkey Neck. We moved to another area for race 3 but the wind died and we headed in. Tomorrow is another day. After Day 1 the eaders in the Championship Fivision are Greta Mittman and Heidi Gough. In Challenger, Tracy Crothers and Jennifer Nudlins are in the lead.  On to the cocktail party and dinner. Picture courtesy of Harvey Davidson.

Full results are here...

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Here at the Flying Scot 2021 Women’s NAC and we got to see so many old and new friends at the welcome party at Deep Creek Turkey Neck. So wonderful to see everyone! We have 24 boats registered, 14 in the Championship Division and 10 in Challenger now! This is a record for this event. Can’t wait to start racing Thanks to Jenifefr Meehan and crew for putting this together.  We shoujld have a great 2 days!

It all starts today - the 2021 FS Women’s NAC hosted by Deep Creek Yacht Club and Deep Creek Lake Sailing Association. There are 23 teams registered, 13 in the Championship Division and 10 in the Challenger Division. Is your team coming? This is going to be one awesome event!

by Brian Giersch  FS #3840 - photo credit to Krista & Michael Maddigan

At this writing, a contingent of Boy Scouts and dads have boarded their fifty plus foot sailboat in the US Virgin Islands for a 10 day sailing adventure, known as "Sea Base".  Several of the boys are Eagle Scouts and for some, it is their last Scouting activity, having graduated from high school and 'aged out' of Scouting.

But, just thirty six hours ago, all but two had never been sailing before!  Two had earned their Small Boat Sailing Merit Badge. But, for the rest, getting aboard...

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