
The 2021 Florida Space Coast Regatta went out with a howl .. howling wind, but great sailing and a good time was had by all. Congratualions to Tom McNally & Andy Hayward for the Regatta victory over Jeff Linton & Bill Bruss with a triple tie-breaker !!. Teams travelled in from Illinois, North Carolina and Tennesee, along with the Florida 'regulars' and a new Scot team sailing #6205. The Florida District Series wraps up in Key Largo on May 15-16; where once again, a great time is assured with a great club, beautiful water and cold rum drinks. The Florida District continues to offer...

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Who's going to the Women's North American Championship at Deep Creek Lake in Maryland this year on June 26-27th  Let's make this an event to remember!  Get your team together and start makeing your plans now. Visit the event page at https://fssa.com/content/2021-womens-nac-both-d?eep-creek-yacht-clubs-swanton-md for registration and other information.  And, to make this a successful event, we need your help in getting the word out. Please share the link wit others and ask them to share as well. Hope you can make...

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These two beauties are in process at the factory. I'm sure there's room for yours. Shop right here https://flyingscot.com/ and our awesome builders will be happy to help you out.

From Ariel Harrington on Facebook on Sunday 2/21: To say that it blew like stink would be an understatement. A few boats turned back before the start of the first race and the rest of us dummies went for it! It was keep the boat upright and sort of head in the direction of the weather mark. We watched as a few teams showed their brass by raising their spinnakers and heading downwind. We decided to keep heading upwind which was in the direction of the club.

From Amy Smith Linton on Facebook on Sunday 2/21: Thanks Arial Harrington and the generous rest of the gang at Friends and...

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Here's a great photo by John Cole from the George Washington Birthday Regatta st Lake Eustis in Florida. There are 35 boats and after Day 1, the Lintons are in the lead!  Day 1 was beautiful with shifty winds, and lots of action!   Thanks Ariel Harrington for the updates on Facebook.
