
From Flying Scot, Inc.

Last year we were approached by Garrett County to take part in a "Make It In Maryland" campaign highlighting manufacturing - particularly in our part of the state. They were interested in Carrie's story as the girl who came back home to run a business rich in tradition. She agreed to an interview and it was just published. We thought we would share it with you all to give you a glimpse into what makes Carrie, and all of us at Flying Scot, so proud of our product and history as a company.



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Geri and Frank Meehan have been at the heart of Deep Creek Lake's Flying Scot world for years. You could not go to Deep Creek without running into them. It is with a heavy heart that we tell you that Geri has passed away. We will always miss her warm smile and her endkess energy. Her family and friends far and wide will miss her so very much. You can read her remembrance here:

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Did you know that the Executinve Team has several recently completed and ongoing projects? Committeess have been formed, including District Governors and other insterested members. We want you to know that the work never stops! 


Update Sailing Gudelines based on Member Input - Phase 1


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From Tim Porter

Well, I had a few people suggest that I do a quick write up about the Davis Island Regatta and I reluctantly agreed...it turned into a bit more of a writeup than I planned, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it.  I had what for me was a new and somewhat unique experience.  Just a little background on myself.  I am new to the Flying Scot class, having purchased my first Flying Scot two years ago.  I have crewed a handful of times for other people over the past decade and skippered a Scot a couple times before buying one.  By no means do I consider myself an experienced Scot...

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From our Chief Measurer:

This is a reminder that having the forestay turnbuckle above deck is illegal.  The Official Plan has the turnbuckle (item 50) below deck connected to the toggle.
