2023 New England Districts at Sandy Bay on Cape Ann
2023 New England Districts at Sandy Bay on Cape Ann

Divisions: If 10 or more boats register in total AND at least 3 boats register in both the Championship and Challenger divisions by July 21st then separate division races will be planned, run, and recorded with a simultaneous start. Only Championship boats will be eligible to win the New England District Championship and SMSA trophies. If registrations do not meet these criteria by July 21st then all boats will race in one division
Crane operation: The club is equipped with a crane which may only be operated by certified personnel. Crane operation and launching/hauling is surprisingly fast and safe and knowledgeable, certified fleet members and club personnel will be available to assist.
Questions: Please contact Margot Hintlian at Margot1024@gmail.com or Ned Jeffries at Edward.jeffries63@gmail.com for further information.
T-Wharf / Dock Square
Rockport , MA, 01966