Scots n Water
If you have an article to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! You can submit your entries to The deadlines for submissions to the magazine are:
January 15
April 1
June 1
August 15
November 1
Posted: 05/09/2016
2006 Fleet of the Year Award
2006 Flying Scot Greater NY District Championship
North American Championship 2007
Flying Scot 50th Anniversary Celebration
FS Sailors Survive Direct Hit by Tornado at N.A.C.
Flying Scot Spinnaker Techniques
FS 50th Anniversary Celebration Call for Photos
Posted: 05/09/2016
Let Your Kids Sail
Fleet 191, The Unintentional Fleet
Wife-Husband Championship Results
Growing The Sport of Sailing
North American Championship NOR
North American Championship Entry Form