2024 MAYRA FS Championship in NJ


From Facebook (anonymous) - Meanwhile in Southern New Jersey …… 23 boats at the MAYRA Flying Scot Championship.

From Kristian Weeder - we had a fantastic regatta this past weekend.  There were 23 boats registered (21 boats on the line) from five local fleets.   It was a gorgeous day with moderate breeze.  It was overall a great time! There are a lot of great photos of the racing taken by Ted Lynch - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/c4554zspw5djmy64nbbw1/AIX4JEElNaSRxHaxEx2...

Congratulations to Jeff Whitewat and crew Full Results here https://www.fssa.com/content/2024-mayra-fs-championship-avalon-yc-and-yc-stone-harbor-0