
There is sad news in the Flying Scot community thiis week. Bob Neff, our Chief Measurer from 1991 to 2018 passed away on Octover 1, 2019, at age 79.Bob leaves behind his wife Mary Ellen, daughter Lorie, sons Daniel and David, and six grandchildren. 

Bob was dedicated to the sport of sailing for many years, and joined the Flying Scot family in 1979 when he and his wife Mary Ellen purchased their first Flying Scot to sail with their family. Bob's family opened a marina for Flying Scots on the Chesapeake Bay in 1987 that is now owned by his son David. 

Then in 1991 Bob began his...

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32 boats on the line!

There were 32 boats on the line on Saturday, 9/28/2019, at the Glow in the Dark Regatta at Clinton Lake, IL. The RC tried to be patient but it was not to be and the boats did not race that day. There may not have been wind but there was loads of camaraderie. On shore, there was a firece board game in proress betweeen Bronson Bowling and Bruce Kitchen as they waitied for wind (we were not told who won!)..

On Sunday, there was enough wind to get in 2 races in for the 22 Championship Division teams and the 10 Challenger Division teams. After the two races, Championship winners were...

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Lavallette Yacht Club in New Jersey hosted the 2019 Atlantic Coast Championship on 9/21-9/22/2019. Regatta Chair Roy Childers did a super job organizing the event and it was a great time for the sailors. There were 25 boats from 6 states on the line for PRO James Wlash and his RC. They got in 3 races on Saturday in very difficult and choppy conditions and 2 races on Sunday when Mother Nature was a bit kinder! And rock star Hans Noordanus was here visiting and sailed with John Wake to a second place in the event.  Hans noted that 15 years ago the first ACC was sailed at Edenton, NC! 

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There is an old sailor at White Rock Lake called Red Dog who likes to dazzle landlubbers with his tales

Read the Dallas Morning New story here...

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