
ALL RAFFLE TICKTS HAVE BEEN BOUGHT! Good luck to all who bought a ticket.  Thanks you for you tremendous support of Flying Scot Sailing! We will announce the date and time of the online drawing soon!

Did you get your tickets for the Flying Scot Raffle yet? We're planning to raffle 2 boats worth over $27k each and lots of other prizes! The winners will be drawn on 6/1/2020 or when all the tickets are sold, whichever comes first.

We are selling a maximum of 360 tickets and in less than two weeks we have sold over 3/4 of the tickets. so don't miss out! Get your...

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Here is the link to the session - it is the first video on this page: https://flyingscot.com/how-to-video'

Flying Scot, Inc. has organized a webinar on Tuesday, 4/7/2020 at 2PM. at ...

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Here is the link to the recording:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LdlxDxT3wos

North Sails will be holding a webinar on Saturday 4/11/2020 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. Brian Hayes and Zeke Horowitz will be joined by one of our favorites, Greg Fisher, You should register by 4/10/2020 to ensire you get a confirmation email and a password to enter the session. Please send any questions you have to editor@fssa.com by Tuesday 4/7/2020 to get...

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Here is a link to the recording of the North Sails Webinar from 3/27/2020: https://zoom.us/rec/share/6M9lFoy35GFJUJ3z7kuAY6grBajUT6a8gXAX_6UJz0Yb5g...1585337807000 - thanks to Brian Hayes and Zeke Horowitz - next one in about 2 weeks!


The Flying Scot ®Sailing Association (FSSA) will be raffling off two (2) new Flying Scot ® sailboats and multiple prizes by June 1st of this year (2020). If you are interested, read on!

Further Information:

Chances for winning two new Flying Scot ® Boats, trailers, and new sails worth approximately $27,400/boat can be purchased at $150 per ticket (5 ticket limit) at the Flying Scot ® Sailing Association on-line store commencing immediately! Those not...

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