
Massapoag Yacht Club and Quannapowitt Yacht Club co-hosted the 2012 New England Districts at Massapoag in Sharon, MA on 8/18/2012.  Although Mother Nature was not cooperative and brought us rain and very little wind, we had 14 boats from 6 clubs, MYC, Rockport, MA, Duxbury, MA, Stone Horse in Harwichport, MA, Cedar Point in Westport, CT, and Old Greenwich Yacht Club, CT,  who braved the conditions and sailed with us.  A trailer mishap caused one of our sailors, Gary Powell, to take his boat back home and borrow a boat from MYC.  And Dave Osler lost a U-bolt and broke his axle, but...

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As we do each year, Greg and I travelled to Saratoga New York for the annual Flying Scot Invitational hosted by Fleet 161 and chaired by Rob Hayes.  We had a great time as usual with fun racing, good friends and plenty of good food and beverages.  Friday was ouir usual visit to the horse races, where it rained all day, I lost $38 and Greg won $3, and we wondered if this was an indication of how the weekend would go.  Friday night, there was a great meal back at the clubhouse with great friends and we met a few new friends as well. 

There were 16 boats, with some from...

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By now, most of you know that Jeff and Amy Smith Linton won the Championship Division and Frank and Marianne Gerry won the Challenger Division at the 2012 NAC, Melanie Dunham and Carrie Carpenter won the Women's NAC and Greiner and Robert Hobbs won the Junior NAC.  I thought you might be interested in the winners of some FSSA special awards:

Joan Burnside Trophy

This is given to the winner of the Women's NAC - Melanie Dunham and Carrie Carpenter, Cedar Point Yacht Club, Westport, Connectivut

Fleet 76...

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We left this morning from Lake Carlyle where it was 92° at 8am and we knew we were extremely grateful that the RC got us off the water yesterday.  We watched the temperature go up to 109° at one point and then we saw the weather coming.  The temperature dropped 30°, the winds were reported as high as 80 knots and the camper was being blown around a bit along with the trailer.  We took shelter at a comfort food stop where we gorged on shakes and cheese fries!  Glad we were not anywhere near a lake at that time. 


I know we had a great event this week  at...

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28-Jun-2012 Results

We started the day with a little wind and 90° and we went out at 9am and started the first race.  Before the windward mark, the wind was gone and we waited a while, but no luck.  So we retreated to shore for an early lunch.  We were back out by  1pm with the temperature at 100° but with 10 knot winds we were able to start the race.  We got in 2 great races (despite our own personal results).  The PRO Ted Beier and his Race Committee did a great job of getting...

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