Your Current FSSA Executive Committee at Midwinters, Ft.Walton Beach Yacht Club, Florida.
Back row l to r: Parliamentarian Larry Taggart, Treasurer Jim Colegrove, President Jim Leggette, Second VP Bruce Kitchen, NCC Chair Steve Comen
Front row l to r: Commodore Nancy Claypool, First VP Nina Cummings, Amendments Chair Carol Claypool, Web Editor Diane Kampf
Missing - Immediate Past Commodore Bill Dunham
Fifty Boats are arriving for the Midwinters and racing starts tomorrow. Hope you are one of the lucky ones who are here. We'll try to keep you updated.
From Rob Fowler on Gacebook:
Very sad to report that Lynn Bruss passed early this morning in Austin Tx. Lynn was a great sailor, competitive racer and a great friend of the Scot Class and Fleet 13. Our thoughts are with Bill and the rest of her family.
The FSSA Amendments Committee and Executive Committee have been working on come changes and clarifications to matter regarding the North American Champiobshios. The attached document show the current and proposed changes to each of the following areas:
- NAC Schedule of Races
- NAC Entries and Measurement
- NAC Qualification SeriesProtests and Appeals
- Perpetual Trophies
- Women;s Championship
- Junior Championship
Please let your District Governor or any Executive Committee member know if you hav any questions or comments/...
Continue Reading...Have you noticed the number of National Events that are posted on this website? We have such awesome fleets volunteering to host these events. All 2025 National Events are posted with NORs posted or coming soon! Several events coming in future years are also posted.
AND...there are over 40 District and Local Regattas already posted! for 2025. If yours is not liisted yet, let us know at editor@fssa.com and we will get it posted. You can also view which regattas are scheduled for each District by going to...
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