

2015WHTaylors Have you seen any of the pictures from the 2015 Wife Husband Regatta at Davis Island Yacnht Club in Tampa Florida?  We have uploaded a few here that you might enjoy seeing.  Looks like everyone was having a fine time!!!

The Hanson Safety at Sea committee has voted to award the US Sailing Arthur B. Hanson Rescue Medal to the seven boats who recovered people out of the water during the FS ACC storm and subsequent recovery efforts.

Mauntauk 17 rescued 4 (Eddy Parker and Richard Schott)
Aquasport 19 rescued at least 5 (Ken Gurganus and Jeff Thomas)
Triumph 17 rescued 1 (Dave Brown, Polly Brown, and Joe Gormley)
Weather boat rescued 4 (Jim Zaradka and Mark Brennesholtz)
The Big Parker rescued 3 (Roger Brake and Eric Rasmussen)
17' Key West rescued 4 (Skip Byrum and Gus)...

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From Flying Scot South Facebbok Page:

What a great 2015 FS Fleet 23 Open House Regatta at Corinthian Sailing Club, White Rock Lake, Dallas, TX. Beautiful weather, breeze, and good friends from all over the area and beyond. Please check out this drone video of the regatta by Houston. https://youtu.be/D5hCpJrAFok.  

From John Domagala:

The Open House regatta in Dallas TX got its name from the tradition of sailors putting up traveling...

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This year’s Wife-Husband was quite competitive. Sometimes it felt more like a NAC than a Wife-Husband! For the first time, the Wife-Husband Championship fleet had five (loooooong!) races while the Challenger fleet had the traditional three races for the weekend. 

The weekend really began on Friday with Mark and Michelle Taylor’s wedding reception. Beer, sponsored by Mad Sails, flowed and food and cupcakes were devoured. Although Mark and Michelle were married in May, they wanted to share their special day with all their Flying Scot friends, so they scheduled the reception for the...

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Here are pictures from the 2015 Wife Husband Championship at Davis Island Yacht Club in Tampa, FL, where there was beautiful weather, lots of Tampa hospitatlity and lots of Flying Scot camqraderie!  With 19 boats in the Cmahpionship Division, Jeff and Amy Smith Linton were winners of the Division, with Carrie and Tyler Andrews 2nd and Lisa and Andy Hayward 3rd.  With 4 boats in the Challenger Division, Leann and Robin Roberts, newest members of Fleet 168, were 1st, Donna Mohr and Jon Hamilton 2nd,...

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