RAFFLE DRAWING was Friday, 4/17/2020- See Who Won!


And the BRAND NEW FLYING SCOT WINNERS are David Rousseau from Massachusetts and Bill Parker from Michigan.

The gift certificates were won by: Jennifer Ikeda. Peter Barclay, Tom Adomat, William Garrett, Mark Foster, James Fletcher, Linda Nicholson, Gary Close, James Hudson, 

The winners will be officially notified via email.

AND... if you did not win a boat, Flying Scot, Inc. is offering a discount on a new boat to all ticket purchasers!! So buy yourself a new boat!


The boat raffle will be held on Friday, 4/17/2020 at 7:00 pm Eastern time. Anyone can join the fun and watch the drawing to see who wins. The online Webex meeting will be here: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001AsnkSyJXWMpAAXTFGUByv_IZuAir_ZwMwMwo8w5jP.... The meeting number is 288366752 and the password is Sandy. Good luck!