Fleet 133 Labor Day Regatta, Grande Maumelle Sailing Club, Arkansas


From the Fleet 133 Facebook Group:

Flying Scot Fleet 133 welcomes our special guests to our Grande Maumelle Labor Day Regatta - our very own Flying Scot First VP, Nina Cummings) Flying Scot Women’s Challenger National Champion (2024) - Skipper and husband Robert Cummings (National Champion 2024 -Skipper 2024 of Flying Scot Wife/Husband) - they have been invited to compete in the US Champion or Champions in October on a Yflyer- so they thought they would give it a try and won the regatta at our club for the Yflyer! The weather cooperated on Saturday and we had 3 good races. On Sunday- the wind was nil when we arrived and then threatening weather and race committee abandoned until weather cleared- so no races. Our Flying Scot 133 Fleet winner for the Labor Day Regatta was Chet Hight, Skipper, and his crew (not pictured) Joe Falasco. The second place was Derrick Van Valkenburg (Skipper) and his crew/wife (Gwynn). In 3rd place was Yates Phillips ( Skipper) who is new to racing Scot’s this year and his crew Dalton Holder. We are delighted to have Scot’s qualify at the Champion of Champions at our club in October!