2019 Wife Husband at Corinthian Sailing Club, Dallas, TX
2019 Wife Husband at Corinthian Sailing Club, Dallas, TX

Fleet 23 at the Corinthian Sailing Club in Dallas, TX, proudly hosts the 2019 FLying Scot Wife-Husband Regatta on September 13-15, 2019. REgistration is now open and here is the information you'll need:
EXCITING NEWS - NON-SPINNAKER DIVISION ADDED - A non-spinnaker division has been added in addition to the ChMpionship and Challenger Dividions. The updated Notice of Race can be found at:
MORE NEWS: You can get your Wife Husband apparel now!
Wife-Husband apparel may be ordered from Coral Reef
Registration, NOR and Sailing Instructions are on Regatta Network at http://www.regattanetwork.com/event/18292
AN information brochure can be found here: http://www.cscsailing.org/Year_2019/Wife-Husband_Regatta_2019_Brochure.pdf
Corinthian Sailing Club website for more information is at: http://www.cscsailing.org/Year_2019/flying_scot_wife_husband_regatta.html
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
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