Cunningham Installation
Submitted by mcummingsny on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 09:43
The instructions provided with the 6:1 cunningham kit (cleat on mast) show the becket and cheek blocks installed on the port side of the mast with a line passing through the grommet above the tack. The instructions then note that this line forms a "continuous loop on the starboard side." What does the loop on the starboard side attach to/run through?
For clarity, I have attached a .pdf of the instructions themselves.
Thanks! FS 3727
Sat, 09/12/2015 - 11:45
From a pix I just saw online
From a pix I just saw online - it looks like it runs through the gooseneck attachement.
Sat, 09/12/2015 - 11:58
True, but it scacely seems an
True, but it scacely seems an elegant solution. And the line provided for that purpose is only 2.5 feet.
Sat, 09/12/2015 - 12:02
Agreed, but sturdy and
Agreed, but sturdy and functional without adding something to the boom to hold it in place. I don't have a cunningham, I don't race - but have thought of adding something to allow me to hank the main down a bit to maximize shape.
Good luck.