Jib swiveling fairleads with bullseye
I have a non racing rigged boat - that is rigged for singlehanded sailing ( sort of ). I have my jib sheet, cheek blocks mounted flush to the decks with a cam cleat just flush with the back of the seat. I would like to remove these cam cleats and install a swiveling fairlead that allows me to stay aft when adjusting the jib sheets.
I've seen the Harken and Ronstan offerings - they seem like they would do the job, but the issue is how to mount it FIRMLY to the same area as the old cam cleats ? I have seen different applications of this idea and all looked like they get the h*ll beaten out of them and loosen up or bend. The are would have to built up to properly accept the swivel bases round base - the current area is narrow and not flat. I have also seen on a boat something like a fibergalss 'tower' that was shaped to perfectly fit the profile of the deck/seatlip and the swivel fairlead was mounted to that.
Anything I do on the boat has to be bullet-proof and be solid !
Anybody have something they like that works well ?
Sat, 09/12/2015 - 13:55
This is what I'm talking
This is what I'm talking about. The jib sheet would go through the deck mounted cheek block and then through this. I would'nt like the cam on the trunk as it would be in the way all the time.
Click on image to zoom
Tue, 09/15/2015 - 07:06
Seat cleat from FS Inc
I have the cleats on the seat from the factory and they work great for singlehanding. The continuous sheet is also a good idea.
The cleat you show above is not as strong, long term, and will be more painful to sit on, if you take people daysailing.
You should be sitting abeam to the mainsheet block, or even slightly forward of that, when single handing, so I have never found the angle to be a problem when mounted in the factory spot.
The kit is 680390 on the FS Web Store.
Sun, 09/20/2015 - 11:22
I think I like what I have
I think I like what I have then. It keeps the clutter to a minimum and it's not that bad to adjust the job sheets. I agree the harken swivel above seems to be a weak link. Thx,though.