Egyptian Cup Regatta
Egyptian Cup Regatta
Flying Scott Fleet 83 is pleased to announce the 28th annual Egyptian Cup Regatta at Carlyle Sailing Association in Illinois. Carlyle Lake is a 24,000-acre man-made lake, 7 miles long and 3 miles wide. It is located 60 miles east of St. Louis, Mo. The winds in June are moderate, 5-15 mph, with temperatures in the high 70s or low 80s. Carlyle Lake provides excellent sailing. CSA has a well protected harbor, spacious docks, electric hoists, paved boat and car parking
and air-conditioned buildings. The area offers a wide choice of accomodations.
The $70 fee for the regatta includes all meals for skipper and one crew, along with free tent camping on CSA grounds. Links to registration and other information can be found at;
Further information can be found in the notice of race or by contacting:
Shirley Bild or Jim Harris
Carlyle, IL,