Cowan Lake Sailing Association

Cowan Lake Sailing Association

CLSA Overview


Dedicated to Sailing

Cowan Lake Sailing Association (CLSA) was established in 1954 by a group of people with a common interest; promoting the sport of sailing. Located on 700 acre Cowan Lake, CLSA now has about 132 member families and 12 recognized fleets and more than 250 boats owned by the membership. In addition to promoting the sport of sailing, Cowan Lake Sailing Association’s charter includes cooperating with the State of Ohio in maintaining adequate sailing facilities and helping to insure safety among all users of Cowan Lake.


CLSA Facilities

Cowan Lake Sailing Association facilities include eight acres owned by the membership overlooking the lake with a main clubhouse and a separate camping shelter house, camp grounds, boat and trailer storage area, parking, full kitchen and bathroom facilities with hot showers. CLSA members maintain the grounds and buildings eliminating the need for a paid staff and thereby permitting modest membership fees.



The membership owns six power vessels, including a race committee boat and a specialized rescue boat capable of rescuing and pumping out swamped craft. CLSA members have been instrumental in maintaining Cowan Lake’s excellent safety record. All club vessels are dedicated to the safety of all users of Cowan Lake.



In addition to 138 regular docks (many equipped with member owned boat lifts), the membership, along with the state, has built two extensive rack and dock facilities for board boats and junior sailing prams.



CLSA is a fully accredited member of the Inter-Lake Yachting Association. A most important part of our program includes: an extensive junior program for youngsters 9 – 17 years of age, which includes sailing and safety training in Optimist Prams, Sunfish and Laser Radials over several weeks of the summer. Graduates move on to teen training in Lasers, Sunfish and two and three man one design sailboats. CLSA youths are consistently in the semi-finals and even the finals in national junior competition. Special programs are held during the summer at all competency levels for adult men and women. While emphasis is on sailboat racing, the club membership includes all levels of skill and interest from casual day sailors/cruisers to current and past national champions in several classes.



Racing at Cowan Lake is open to anyone owning a sailboat. During the sailing season of April thru October, CLSA offers more than 65 scheduled races on Sundays and national holidays plus approximately 30 special events and regattas as well as many social functions.


There is a telephone in the clubhouse, mostly for emergency use. It’s 937-289-2522. It is answered only when members are in the clubhouse, usually on Sundays during the sailing season.


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