

Why join the Flying Scot Sailing Association? FInd out here.  
And the raffle winning tickets are pictured here. We will be in touch directly with you very soon. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who bought a ticket. If you bought a ticket but didn’t win, you can buy a boat, and Flying Scot, Inc., will help you with a discount! Thanks to our awesome builders for helping us with this fun event and thanks to all who continue to support our class and FSSA!
The date has been set for the drawing for the FSSA Flying Scot Boat Raffle, including a chance to win a new boat, $1000 towards sails or $500 towards sails. The drawing will take place at the Flying Scot Midwinters via a Zoom call from the Bay Waveland Yacht Club on March 12, 2023, at 7:00 P.M. during the Welcome Party. The information for the Zoom call, will be distributed via email to all FSSA members and raffle ticket buyers. Good luck to everyone who bought a ticket! Read More
ALL TICKETS are sold as of 2/11/2023 - Stand By for a Notice for the drawing at a Zoom meeting Who NEEDS a new Flying Scot®? Who WANTS a new Flying Scot®? It’s been 3 years since the Flying Scot® Sailing Association held a raffle and, thanks to our awsome builder Flying Scot, Inc.®, we are ready to do it again. FSSA is a 501(c)(3) corporation so your ticket price is tax deductible. Click here and scroll down to "2023 Flying Scot Raffle" to buy ... Read More
We had a very special guest stop by this week!  Santa was looking for a way to unwind and we had just the thing.  Merry Christmas to all from the entire FSI crew! Read More
