Michigan - Ontario
Regatta Chair Eric Gunderson has everything under control as measurement starts for the NAC. Will you boat measure in? Will your sails? Do you have all the required safety equipment? Good luck and let's go sailing soon ⛵️
Photos from the event can be seen at
Pictures - Buddy Byington's boat all buttened up and ready for the drive!
Teams are on their way to the 2022 Flying Scot North American Championshop at North Cape Yacht Club, La Salle, MI. There are 50 teams from several states and the competition will be fierce and fun. Who makes Championship? Challenger? Where would you rather be? Can't wait!
From Facebook - Paul Lee of the Detroit Yacht Club and the Edison Boat Club won the 2023 Michigan-Ontario District regatta hosted by the DYC on Aug. 5-6. Lee, sailing an Edison boat and sails in the event, is a multi-year winner of the District trophy, this year besting Brian Hawkins of Portage Lake, Michigan, by a single point in the final standings. Racing began Saturday Aug. 5 in relatively light winds on Lake St. Clair, with three races completed that day. Lee had two firsts and a... Read More
Mary Meno, a long time FSSA Member, passed away on December 1, 2020. Mary and her husband, Fred Meno, were avid Flying Scot sailors for many years. The championship trophy for the Midwinters is named after Mary.. My brother, Fred Meno, Our condolences to the family and thanks to Mary and Fred for thei many years of participation in the Flying Scot world.
Mary's obituary is here https://www.daltonandson.com/obituaries/Mary-Josephine-Meno?obId=19146075#/celebrationWall
The 2019 Crystal Ball Regatta was sailed on August 24,. It was a beautiful 75 degree day with ENE 8 MPH wind allowing the PRO, Kent Davis, to utilize the full length of the mile and a half long lake. The first race was won by Freyja Davis and son Jon Davis, The fleet of 6 returened to the club for a lunch. The next two races were sailed back to back with Steve Rajkovich and Tony Avink winning the 2nd and Brian and Suzy Hawkins winning the 3rd. We returend to the club for dinner and... Read More