43rd Annual George Washington's Birthday Regatta
43rd Annual George Washington's Birthday Regatta

Saturday, February 16, 2013 to Sunday, February 17, 2013
The warm-up to the Warm-Up Regatta at Davis Island, and the Mid Winters at Sarasota. Come sail on beautiful Lake Eustis! Always a big turnout, with over thirty boats on the line. This is Race #5 in the Florida District series, and a great place for our northern Flying Scot sailors to start the leadup to the Mid Winters.
To see a write-up and pictures from last year, click here
For more info, Contact Ray Laguna, Fleet 150 Captain
Lake Eustis Sailing Club
1310 County Road 452
Eustis, FL, 32726
1310 County Road 452
Eustis, FL, 32726